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What is the meaning of scissure?

Definition of scissure. 1 archaic : a cleft or elongated opening in a body or surface made by or as if by cutting : a cleft separating bodily parts or opening into the body. 2 obsolete : a split or division in a group or union : schism.

What does reassure mean?

verb (used with object), as·sured, as·sur·ing. to declare earnestly to; inform or tell positively; state with confidence to: She assured us that everything would turn out all right. to cause to know surely; reassure: He assured himself that no one was left on the bus.

What is I-assure?

It’s about a culture of excellence and innovation that fosters a commitment to delivering in environments with the most stringent security requirements. I-Assure was founded in 2005 on the belief that Assessment and Authorization (A&A) as executed by many in the industry was too costly, too confusing and wasn’t making systems more secure.

What is Saussure?

Saussure sangat tertarik pada relasi signifier dengan signifieddan satu tanda dengan tanda-tanda yang lain. Minat Saussure pada relasi signifier dengan signifiedtelah berkembang menjadi perhatian utama di dalam tradisi semiotika Eropa. Saussure sendiri memusatkan perhatiannya untuk mengartikulasikan teori

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